

Most porn sites out there have focused on showing off those glamorous bodies from their models. They focus mostly on the body, you know, like those with the big breasts, those with the big booties, those with the slender figures, you guys know what I mean. Some of them focus on giving is some of the most hardcore sex scenes, making the scenes as wild as possible. But only few porn sites actually give us content that contain only girls that are eye candy, you know, the ones who are actually beautiful. Look, I’m not saying that the other two are not needed or is bad, however you’d also want to look up sites that give you the maximum contentment. And the best site that relates to what I’m talking about is Twistys. For over 10 years, Twistys has provided us with porn that involves the hottest and the most beautiful girls that ever graced the porn industry.

Top sex pay site with daily updates and more than 46.000 videos, amazing interface and stunning chicks.

Site specs

Like most other sites out there, Twistys starts off with a page that asks whether you’d want to enter the site or not. And yes, surprising as it may seem, there’s actually a button that redirects you to another page when you decide against entering that little piece of heaven called Twistys. It redirects you to VideoBash, a site that shows videos just like YouTube. But just that starting page though is enough to let you know that the premise of “showing off beautiful girls” is already apparent. The girls who are presented are truly beautiful. Now starting with the Home page, you’re going to see what the site is all about, starting with the new updates that are out in the site.

The updates portion gives you the top rated videos or pictures that were just added into the site first, however you can still choose to see the latest content that were added, as well as the upcoming ones. There’s this feature in the updates portion that allows you to switch from videos to the photos and vice versa. There’s also a portion in the Home page that let’s you see the top 12 rated models as of the moment. All of them are really hot, I can guarantee it. There’s also a portion in the Home page that allows you to see the Twistys Treat of the Month girl for each year that Twistys has since 2009. You can also look up the Twistys Treat of the Year, something that looks like a level higher than just the Treat of the Month. All of the girls here are deserving to be placed as a Treat of the Month or Year. However, if you do want to see all of the models in the site and not just the “Treats”, then you can go to the Models tab up in the topmost part of the page.

There’s this alphabetical listing of models, and you can look up who the models are whose names starts with the letter A until Z, and there are also sorting tools present here. You sort the models by top rated models, and you can choose which time frame they became the top ranked models or whatever. There’s also this tab where you can see the wonderful photosets in the site, as well as another tab that shows off the videos that you can see in the site. Twistys is a site that requires membership to see all the videos and photos, as well as one that requires some pay for the membership, but for a site such as this, I bet you won’t mind the pay that is included just to become a member.

The movies and the girls

Twistys is a site that gives decadence to the pleasure of being exposed to those beautiful girls whose beauties are simply on another level as other beauties out there. It would seem like the sex that they have found in Twistys just gave them a reason to shine and radiate their beauties. The girls are not only beautiful, but they also love that hard cock. They get fucked by those long rods and enjoy every second of their pounding, all while maintaining that beauty that they have been graced with. They wince, they get used, they moan, but all of those only serve to enhance how hot they are. The girls that are especially hot are the ones who are considered “Treats”, who are voted by the members of the site themselves.

Of the treats, the particular girl that I’d want to highlight is the Treat of the Year 2015, Ariana Marie. This cutie is simply astounding. She goes out there and simply performs, she participates in hardcore sex with long cocks as well as those other sensual lesbian porn. Her beauty is unmatched by any, and her performance is just superb. If possible, I’d like to be the one banging this hottie due to her videos being so hot that you’d crave for the real thing. The videos and pics are all high quality, making you enjoy your Twistys experience even more. The videos come in different formats, and they can reach up to 4k resolution, depending on the videos that you’re watching.

The videos are just crystal clear, but you can’t discount the quality of the pics too, as they also show really high quality. Another good news about the pics is that if you want to download them, you can have them in ZIP files, making it easier for you to download. Yes, that’s right, the pics, as well as the videos can be downloaded. The videos, in particular, can be download in many formats, even ones that fit in your phone or play in your DVD players. You can have the Twistys experience anywhere and anytime you want.

In few words

Overall, Twistys is the best site there is. With a number of girls at their disposal, and all of them very beautiful and very willing to have and show the best sex there is, as well as the quality of the videos and the site itself, Twistys get a 10/10 for me. There’s simply no site out there that shows better porn than Twistys.

Check out the other porn paysites list OR read more on Twistys from other popular review sites.

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