I Know That Girl is a fabulous reality porn site created to give you hardcore sex action featuring hot amateur chicks. The scenes are well filmed in different styles that allow you to enjoy the hardcore sex action offered. You will note that all the videos come in HD files which allow you to fully enjoy the action in great images.
Site specs
Looking at the design used on I Know That Girl, you can tell that the folks at the Mofos Network have really done a great job. The site is packed with filters and other sorting options that make your browsing experience a walk in the park. You are allowed to sort the videos according to chicks, time and tags. The site also hooks you up with the latest content on the site’s homepage and you can also check out the top rated scenes. You will also find all the upcoming scenes in one place, and you can expect to see new videos, every week.
The content on I Know That Chick is logically arranged and it’s quite a pleasure browsing everything. There is a menu bar at the top of the site taking you everywhere you want to go and you can also access the content in an advanced search tool. The videos are also available in nice formats which are easy to stream in a large on-site flash player that streams the videos very smoothly. You can also rate and comment on the scenes and you can file all your favorite videos in one place. This gives you a very nice time while using the site.
The movies and the girls
I Know That Girl is a hardcore sex site bringing hot porn content featuring hot amateur chicks. These European sex sluts have a huge appetite for cock and you can enjoy watching them getting banged hard. These chicks are real amateurs who have slim to curvy bodies that make them very attractive and sexy while viewing the content. The content is also nice and it features diverse hardcore sex action where amateur chicks get their tight holes drilled hard. These scenes are shot by real pros who are dedicated to offer you great sex content.
The girlfriend sex action featured at I Know That Chick is featured in over 420 videos which give you great images while viewing. You can view the content in HD and full HD scenes which stream well in an on-site player, displaying dimensions of up to 1920x1080px @4000+kbps. These high-def videos are available in streaming formats, but you will need to subscribe to a premium membership before downloading them. Most importantly, these videos play for a nice duration of time, 25 minutes each.
The 420+ videos on the members’ page also come with nice pictures that can be downloaded in zip sets, to enjoy more hardcore sex acts. The high-res pictures in these sets are about 150+ in each set and they display dimensions going up to 1280x960px. This content is available in monthly, quarterly and annual plans. You also get access to 11+ sex site in the Mofos network with sites like Public Pickups and ShesAFreak.
In few words
This sex site offers a solid collection of hardcore sex videos that continues to grow with the frequent updates done on this site. I Know That Girl definitely deserves a membership plan and you can also enjoy other hot scenes from the Mofos Network. The content is also amateur, and it brings the thrill of watching amateur chicks getting boned in HD videos.